How to start healing yourself:
Hey guys! if you are here then consider it as a blessing and a good luck because in this blog i am going to tell you the easiest ways on how to heal yourself.Because we live in the society ,wher we try to heal others ,we try to make others comfortable.But we don’t even consider ourselves,we don’t consider this thing that we also need to heal because we like others aare also a human.we also get tired ,we also need to get healed.
- Steps to start healing yourself:
So, the first thing you need to do is that you should take a diary or any other paper and a pen .Now you have to write it down all the things which trigger you the most .It can either be the trauma which you faced 2 years ago.It can be any sudden situation which happened and you can’t get move on or any other thing.And sometimes , it’s a mistake which you made long long ago,but you are still embarrassed of it .So,whatever it ,just write it down.Because when we write things ,the thoughts become clear and our vision also becomes clear.
Now , whatever triggers you have written ,I am gonna tell you the most basic and easiest solution of letting it go and to start healing it. First,you need to realise that whatever happened has happened.Now you can’t even change it because it’s in the past honey.You need to realise that all of the embarrassing situations you created,people have forgot about it .
Because people are so much busy in their life that they laughf at you for a while only ,then they forget.Now , it’s only you who is still embarrassed by those situations.So you need to stop this .Also ,if someone has ignored you or didn’t give you the love that you wanted ,it doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve it. This thing doesn’t define your worth.You feeling low because in your mind you have given authority to that speciific person to make you feel worthy ,Why do you even think that you need other peope to define your worth.It’s in your hands.Still nothing has changed.
- You need to know that it’s never too late :
You can start from right now that okay whatever happened has happened.Now, I am gonna change my life .I am gonna be the one who will give love to myself.Because the love you are searching in others is already in you.You just need to realize it.And start accepting whatever happened in the past and don’t regret it,instead learn from it.Because by regretting,we get nothing but unhappiness.
- Start enjoying your own company:
Start giving yourself the importance which you seek in others.Start loving yourself.And whenever you feel exhausted,talk to God and tell him that I am feeling this this.Trust me,He will listen you and He will help .If you don’t have enough energy to take a start, ask Him that please provide me energy to take a start.
And trust me you will see the results because God love you.He wants to lighten you.Whenever you go to bed,just take 10 mints and talk to god . It’s such a good therapy.And He will listen because he wants to listen you.So,from today,you need to decide that this is the day when I have to start focusing on myself only .And your priority should be you and you only .
- Conclusion
It’s difficult in the beginning,but sooner your life would be on easy path.And one last thing, start appreciating yourself for even the little efforts that you make. Beacuse you have survived and struggled so much .So applaud for youself.
Ok Thankyou so much Love you guys and bbye.